
Small web designers urge you to follow 6 tactics to brand successfully (Part 2)

Continuing from last week, here are more tips about how you can apply to your small business in order to brand successfully and effectiveness.

4. Reward is retain Use your reward power.

If your customers love you, love them too. Keeping your customers loyal is to retain them, and by retaining them, it means more returns and profits. The act of saying thank you to them by writing a personal letter is a way of appreciating and retaining them with minimal effort. If you have a gift for them, send it or if they write a review for you, feature them. When Porsche reached 1 million likes on Facebook, they put all the one million names on a Porsche 911 GT3 R Hybrid. In return, they went a little viral online and made their customers happy.

5. Change is not that scary.

We are living in a fast-changing world. Once MySpace was very popular but now, it is an online “ghost-town”. Not changing and adapting resist you from being creative with your branding. A very successful example will be Old Spice. It is an old brand but they “changed” the way of communicating to suit a new generation but still held true to its brand. That brand strategy and campaign of them effectively created a buzz online. Remember, what works for today doesn’t mean it will work for tomorrow. You need to change to survive. Consider some out-of-the-box partnerships you can make or think about product attributes are never highlighted.

6. Competitors are sometimes not your enemies.

Competition can helps you to improve your brand strategy and creates greater value. Look at your competitors, what did they fail and what did they succeed in? Take those learning points and apply to your brand strategy. Think about foreign competitors as well, not just local ones. However, you also need to be proactive, but not like them determine your moves. Your brand should be unique and by following every single move your competitors make, you lose differentiation.


