
Sydney small business web designer's take on getting others to sell for you!


Social media is a place where people interact among themselves. Businesses interact with their customers and other businesses; customers interact among customers too. So what does these interactions and engagements mean to your small business? It opens door to a form of selling called ‘social selling’.

Read on to find out how we can sell socially online!

Notice how some brands encourage their customers to post pictures of their products online? It is a really smart move and you consider doing that too. And this this is why you should:

First of all, when customers post about you, they are generating content on behalf of your brand! Next, when customers do so, your brand gain a form of brand loyalty and buzz. Then, existing customers help you to attract more new customers. Finally, you gain more exposure and eventually sales.

Generally, if you are intending to sell online today, our small business graphic designer in Sydney will urge you to showcase your product in motion rather than just images so as to captivate potential customers. It is a norm to have product images, so by having videos or short clips of your product in action it makes you a little different.

With technology and social media, many customers share their purchases even without brands prompting them to do so. But with a little incentive, you can get more customers to share and create more engagement with them. It is super simple to run a social media competition with a specific hashtag!

Based in Sydney, Mini Design is a team of professional web and graphic designers that are strive to work with clients in order to achieve the best possible outcome. Contact us soon!



