
Small business graphic designers Sydney on why branding is more than just a logo

Sure, every business needs a logo but a logo is but one element of your branding.

Our small business graphic designers, Sydney are the experts when it comes to creating brand ideas that form the basis of your business’s branding.

Mini Design, small business graphic design, Sydney explain that your logo is but one expression, forming the basis of your brands overall approach.

Think about the reasons why you go back to a company time and time again, giving them your business? It’s certainly not just because they have a great logo. You more likely than not trust their service, their reputation, their culture, the values of the company or what they stand for.

When all of these qualities are defined and aligned into a business strategy, they then represent a “brand,” and when combined true consistency, you’re on the road to building your successful brand.

Our small business graphic designers go more than just create logos, with years of experience in helping businesses to define their individual brand which leads them on the path to branding success.



